Advice for business

Finding the path ahead: advice and resources for SMEs.

Finding the path ahead: advice and resources for SMEs.

Free first consultation for SMEs - get in-touch.

Advice and resources: three priorities:

  1. Financial support from Government and banks

2. If you have employees, involve them in the process

Employees are the backbone of your business and you will need their support to re-establish the business as the crisis alleviates.

3. Use time wisely

Think through the implications for your business as the new landscape becomes clearer. There will be no doubt that the most proactive and socially aware businesses will be the best-equipped to succeed.

We are happy to talk to anyone and share experiences, knowledge and views.

It seems strange that after a beautiful Spring weekend, we start the week under both a metaphorical and actual grey cloud. In these challenging times, we know that nothing matters more than our health and the health of family and friends. However, on these pages, we continue to look at the ways businesses can plan for a future, post-lockdown.

In the meantime, good health to you and your family.